*Hanoch Levin, The Lost Women of Troy
There is no doubt that the late Hanoch Levin was – and to a great extent still is – Israel’s most famous and prolific writer. His body of work spanned over 30 years and in that time he has written plays, sketches, songs and prose. His unique style and language, the worlds he created – that are somehow so local and yet so very universal, his brilliant ability to peer straight into the human psyche in a manner that is simultaneously ruthless and compassionate, his hilariously pathetic (or pathetically hilarious) characters – all these have earned him a one-of-a-kind stature in Israeli culture, and theatre in particular. We invite you to step inside his extraordinary world, get acquainted with an array of unparalleled characters and enjoy his razor-sharp texts.
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Ari Folman – Director, The Constant Mourner; Filmmaker, Golden Globe Award Winner, Waltz with Bashir
Roni Toren – Stage Designer, Requiem in China
Yair Sherman – Theatre Director, Requiem in China
Noam Semel – General Director of Habima National Theatre, Chair of The Hanoch Levin Institute of Israeli Drama
Jessica Cohen – Translator, Man Booker Prize Winner