Members of the Isra-Drama: International Exposure of Israeli Theatre 2024


Shimrit Ron – Director of The Hanoch Levin Institute of Israeli Drama. A dramaturg, holds a BA in Theatre Studies from Tel Aviv University, and graduated from the screenwriting department at The Sam Spiegel Film and Television School.

Hadar Galron & Nataly Zukerman – Chairs of the Artistic Committee

Hadar Galron – International writer-director-actor-comedian for theatre / film / TV. Artistic director. Dramaturg. Lecturer & teacher at Bar-Ilan University, Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and the Arts, and more.

Nataly Zuckerman – is an independent performance artist, dramaturg, artistic director, and lecturer.

ProducerKobi Even Haim 


Artistic Committee (in alphabetical order)

Haim Abramsky – Theatre instructor and acting teacher at The School of Visual Theatre Jerusalem and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; acting coach.

Dr. Razi Amitai – General and artistic director.

Lily Ben Nachshon – Set and costumes designer.

Udi Ben Seadia – Playwright and theatre director.

Atara Brill-Fireaizen Member of the Theatre and Dance Committees – Cultural Administration, Ministry of Culture and Sport.

Yosefa Even Shoshan Playwright and theatre director.

Rivi Feldmaser Yaron – Theatre director and the Founder of Stage center- A professional center for training artists and developing current models for promoting culture in Israel.

Gillit Kroul Group facilitator and doctoral student in the Department of Theater Arts at Tel Aviv University. Researcher of Israeli feminist theater and member of the Academy of Independent and Fringe Theater. Secretary-General of the Israeli Society for the Study of Theater and Performance.

Dr. Ronit Lerer Shpak – Theatre researcher in the Department of Theatre Arts at Tel Aviv University, and at the Department of Literature, Language, and the Arts at the Open University of Israel. Her research focuses on the impact of gender inequalities on the professional identity of woman theatre directors in the Israeli theatre.

Orian LipshitzTheatre director and playwright, based in Jerusalem. Founder and artistic director of Pumbi Theatre. Teacher of creative processes at Nissan Nativ Acting Studio.

Anat Mesner – Set designer, costume designer, scenographer, curator and teacher. Member of the Theatre Committee – Cultural Administration, Ministry of Culture and Sport.

Ariel N. Wolf – Theater director, Choreographer and actor.

Yigael Sachs – Artistic director of Kvutsat Avoda (Work Group) Theater Ensemble. Founder of Starting Point (plays development program), editor and co-founder of the Israeli Dramatists Website, actor, director and a playwright.

Idan Schwartz – Theater director, performance artist and cultural entrepreneur. 


Website by: Studio

Graphic designer: Miri Gilad 

Social media: Einat Gaulan, Ittai Aminoff – Kwaa

Video editing and motion design: Yaara Nirel

Video editing of English subtitles: Tami Rubin

Studio shots: Tamar Shaham, Radai Rubinstein

Editing: Shimrit Ron, Hemdi Kfir

English translations: Margalit Rodgers, Tami Rubin, Adi Drori, Natalie Fainstein.



Ministry of Culture and Sport: Dr. Haim Perluk, Chairman of the Israel Arts and Culture Council; Ran Shapira, Director of Culture; Dr. Irit Fogel-Geva, Director, Theatre and Fringe Department; Matan Stutao Malada, Coordinator, Fringe Department.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Nurit Tinari, Head of Cultural Diplomacy; Anat Gilad, Director of the Arts Department; Revital Ben-Naim, Head of Performing Arts.

Members of the NPO Committee – The Hanoch Levin Institute of Israeli Drama

Noam Semel – Chairman, Revital Ben-Asher Peretz, Itay Blaiberg, Nili Glick, Adv. Amir Margalit, Dr. Bracha Zemach.


Compliance Committee

CPA Michael Lazer – Chairman, Tamar Harari

CPA – Miri Zaig-Klipper