On The Way Home / Return Sign

A Round Table Intimate Event about October 1973 and October 2023

Written and directed by Danielle Cohen Levy

Based on a novel by Yoram Eshet-Alkalai, A Man Walks Home

An intimate event around a shared table revisits and reconstructs stories from the Yom Kippur War in October 1973, and that of October 7, 2023. Those present and absent in the room shape the memories of past, ongoing, and future wars. 

In October 2023, Yoram’s story resonated deeply, reflecting the new reality that has transformed us: a severe injury from a missile strike in 1973 divided Yoram’s life into two. His long journey of healing, driven by willpower and his love for life, led him to write a book asking: Can one truly return home? 

The performance unfolds as a series of actions that change with each presentation, allowing the narrative to transform each evening. It invites both performers and the audience to gather, build a table, sit around it, and engage in a collaborative exploration of our new reality through a variety of actions, rituals, objects, and stories. 

Danielle Cohen Levy is an independent director, writer, performer, and lecturer. She is a co-founder of the WCS group, and her work with Namer Golan, Worst Case Scenario (2015), won multiple awards at the Acco Festival for Alternative Theatre, and the Golden Hedgehog Award for Group Work. The production was presented at the Brighton Fringe Festival and various international festivals in England, France, Germany, Bulgaria, Slovenia, and Estonia. Cohen Levy has received several grants for original playwriting, and her play The Advocate premiered in 2018 at The Jerusalem Khan Theatre under her direction. She founded the homemade publishing house PostcardPlay, distributing over six hundred copies worldwide. Danielle is the Artistic Director of Teatronetto Festival for Solo Performances, and a member of the artistic committee at Tmu-na Theater. She is the director of the Acting Preparatory Program at Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and the Arts, where she also teaches in the Directing and Acting Departments. She earned an MFA with distinction from Tel Aviv University, and a BEd with distinction from the School of Performing Arts at Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and the Arts.